专业领域: 土木工程
2016/09-2022/09 同济大学土木工程学院 土木工程专业 工学博士 研究生
2003/09-2006/07 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院 结构工程专业 工学硕士 研究生
1999/09-2003/07 哈尔滨工业大学土木工程学院 土木工程专业 工学学士 本科生
2022/01至今 绍兴文理学院 教授
2014/12-2021/12 绍兴文理学院 副教授
2006/07-2014/12 绍兴文理学院 讲师
1. 中国建筑材料联合会建筑材料科学技术奖,再生混凝土多尺度力学行为与调控,一等奖(基础研究类),6/7
2. 中国发明协会发明创业奖创新奖,多元固废制备矿物掺合料混凝土性能提升关键技术和应用,二等奖,2/5
1. 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目:再生骨料CO2强化对再生混凝土碳化所致钢筋锈蚀的影响及机理(LY20E080012),2020.01-2023.12,排名:1/6。
2. 住房与城乡建设部科技研发项目,碱激发再生微粉固化脱水淤泥的路用性能及固化机理 (2021-K-123),2021.01-2023.12,排名:1/7。
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,再生混凝土材料及其构件阻尼性能与阻尼机理研究(51308340),2014.01-2016.12,排名:1/7。
4. 浙江省自然科学基金项目,再生/改性再生混凝土材料阻尼性能及其阻尼机理研究(y1110184),2011.01-2013.12,排名:1/7。
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,再生混凝土阻尼改善机理细微观研究(5177080851),2018.01- 2022.12,排名,3/7。
6. 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目,基于水泥石和界面过渡区纳观结构的混凝土徐变机理及调控模型研究(LY20E020006),2020.01-2023.12,排名,2/5。
7. 浙江省公益技术应用研究项目,CO2养护再生骨料混凝土叠合板弯曲性能的试验研究及数值模拟(LGF22E080035),2022.01-2024.12,排名2/7。
8. 企业重大横向项目,商品混凝土、装配式建造新材料、新部品和新技术研发,2020.07-2023.06,主持,排名1/5。
9. 企业重大横向项目,绍兴无废城市研发展示中心绿色建造关键技术,2021.06-2023.05,主持,排名1/4。
1. Liang Chaofeng, Fu Yangyan, Wang Chunhui*, Gao Yueqing, Zhao Jiangxia. Damping of rubberized recycled aggregate concrete and damping estimation of its elements by finite element analysis, Composite Structures. 2021, 281:114967.
2. Liang Chaofeng, Cai Zhedong, Wu Huixia, Xiao Jianzhuang*, Zhang Yuming, Ma Zhiming*. Chloride transport and induced steel corrosion in recycled aggregate concrete: A review. Construction and Building Materials. 2021, 282: 122547.
3. Liang Chaofeng, Xiao Jianzhuang*, Wang Chunhui, Ma Zhiming, He Zhihai. Frequency-dependent damping properties of recycled aggregate concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2021, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0003742
4. Liang Chaofeng, Xiao Jianzhuang*, Wang Yuanfeng, Wang Chunhui, Mei Shengqi. Relationship between internal viscous damping and stiffness of concrete material and structure. Structural concrete. 2021, 1-19, https://doi.org/10.1002/suco.202000628
5. Liang Chaofeng, Xiao Jianzhuang*, Wang Chunhui, Ma Zhiming. Hysteretic energy and damping variation of recycled aggregate concrete with different cyclic compression loading levels. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021, 44: 102936.
6. Liang Chaofeng, Zhang Yuming, Wu Ruixue, Yang Dingyi, Ma Zhiming*. The utilization of active recycled powder from various construction wastes in preparing ductile fiber-reinforced cementitious composites: A case study[J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials. 2021, 15: e650.
7. Wu Huixia, Liang Chaofeng*, Wang Changqing, Ma Zhiming*. Properties of green mortar blended with waste concrete-brick powder at various components, replacement ratios and particle sizes. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 342:128050.
8. Gao Yueqing, Cui Xinzhong, Lu Na, Hou Shaodan*, Liang Chaofeng*, Effect of recycled powders on the mechanical properties and durability of fully recycled fiber-reinforced recycled mortar. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022, 45: 103574.
9. Ma Zhiming, Tang Qin, Wu Huixia, Xu Jianguang, Liang Chaofeng*. Mechanical properties and water absorption of cement composites with various fineness and contents of waste brick powder from C&D waste. Cement and Concrete Composite, 2020, 114: 103758.
10. Liang Chaofeng, Lu Na, Ma Hongwang, Ma Zhiming*, Duan Zhenhua. Carbonation behavior of recycled concrete with CO2-curing recycled aggregate under various environments. Journal of CO2 Utilization. 2020, 39: 101185.
11. Liang Chaofeng, Pan Bihao, Ma Zhiming*, He Zhihai, Duan Zhenhua. Utilization of CO2 curing to enhance the properties of recycled aggregate and prepared concrete: A review. Cement and Concrete Composite, 2020, 105:103446, Highly cited.
12. Ma Zhiming, Liu Miao, Tang Qin, Liang Chaofeng*, Duan Zhenhua. Chloride permeability of recycled aggregate concrete under the coupling effect of freezing-thawing, elevated temperature or mechanical damage. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 237:117648
13. Ma Zhiming*, Liu Miao, Duan Zhenhua, Liang Chaofeng, Wu Huixia. Effects of active waste powder obtained from C&D waste on the microproperties and water permeability of concrete. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 257: 120518.
14. Liang Chaofeng, Ma Hongwang, Pan Yiqian, Ma Zhiming*, Duan Zhenhua, He Zhihai. Chloride permeability and the caused steel corrosion in the concrete with carbonated recycled aggregate. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 218: 506-518.
15. Liang Chaofeng,Liu Tiejun*, Xiao Jianzhuang, Zou Dujian, Yang Qiuwei. The damping property of recycled aggregate concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 102: 834-842.
16. Liang Chaofeng,Liu Tiejun*, Xiao Jianzhuang, Zou Dujian, Yang Qiuwei. Effect of stress amplitude on the damping of recycled aggregate concrete. Materials, 2015, 8(8): 5298-5312.
17. 梁超锋,何佳俊,肖建庄*,李坛. 再生骨料混凝土梁的阻尼性能及其机理分析. 同济大学学报, 2018, 46(6):737-743.
18. 梁超锋,刘铁军*,肖建庄,邹笃建,杨秋伟. 钢筋及其锈蚀对混凝土构件阻尼的影响. 工程力学. 2017, 34(3):101-107.
19. 梁超锋,刘铁军*,肖建庄,邹笃建,杨秋伟. 再生混凝土悬臂梁阻尼性能与损伤关系的试验研究. 土木工程学报, 2016, 49(7):100-106.
20. 梁超锋, 刘铁军*, 邹笃建, 杨秋伟. 材料黏滞系数与损耗因子的频率相关性研究. 力学学报, 2012, 44(5): 933-937.
1. 梁超锋,张彧铭,陆俊,等. 一种桁架钢筋混凝土预制板的垫木定位装置及其使用方法. ZL 202110093437.4
2. 梁超锋,宋科,凌升河,等. 一种碳化再生微粉的一体化工业化制备装置. ZL 202010894059.5