姓 名:牛勇
籍 贯:山西屯留
学 位:工学博士
职 称:讲 师
E-mail :niuyonglzrr@163.com
2017/09-2021/06 重庆大学 土木工程专业 博士研究生
2014/09-2017/06 昆明理工大学 采矿工程专业 硕士研究生
2010/09-2014/06 山东理工大学 采矿工程专业 本科
2021/07-至今 绍兴文理学院 讲师
2021/12-至今 河海大学 博士后
国际期刊Marine Geophysical Research、Frontiers in Earth Science、Energy Science & Engineering审稿人
[1] 中央高校基本科研业务专项基金项目(2019CDXYTM0033):含不同JRC裂隙岩体损伤机制及损伤识别研究,2019-01至2020-12,2万元,结题,项目负责人.
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 51679017):地震作用下地下洞室围岩损伤局部化破坏过程的广义动力学数值模拟,2017-01至2020-12,63万元,项目参与人.
[3] 国家自然科学基金重点项目(51839009):多场耦合环境下深部重大岩体工程流变大变形灾变机理与模拟、监测与预警,2019-01至2023-12,300万元,项目参与人.
[1] Niu Yong, Zhou Xiaoping. Forecast of time-of-instability in rocks under complex stress conditions using spatial precursory AE response rate. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2021, 147:104908.
[2] Niu Yong, Zhou Xiaoping, Zhang Jianzhi, Qian Qihu. Experimental study on crack coalescence behavior of double unparallel fissure-contained sandstone specimens subjected to freeze-thaw cycles under uniaxial compression. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 2019, 158: 166-181.
[3] Niu Yong, Zhou Xiaoping, Zhou Lunshi. Fracture damage prediction in fissured red sandstone under uniaxial compression: acoustic emission b-value analysis. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2020, 43(1):175-190.
[4] Niu Yong, Zhou Xiaoping, Berto Filippo. Evaluation of fracture mode classification in flawed red sandstone under uniaxial compression. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2020, 107(1):102528.
[5] Niu Yong, Zhou Xiaoping. Fracture and time-varying Multifractal behaviors of single-flawed red sandstone with different wavilness angles. Journal of materials in civil engineering, 2020, 32(9):04020272.
[6] Niu Yong, Zhou XP, Berto Filippo. Temporal dominant frequency evolution characteristics during the fracture process of flawed red sandstone. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2020, 110(1):102838.
[7] Zhou Xiaoping, Niu Yong, Zhang Jianzhi, Shen Xuecheng, Zheng Yu, Berto Filippo. Experimental study on effects of freeze-thaw fatigue damage on the cracking behaviors of sandstone containing two unparallel fissures. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. 2019, 42(6):1322–1340.
[8] Zhou Xiaoping, Niu Yong, Cheng Hao, Berto Filippo. Cracking behaviors and chaotic characteristics of sandstone with unfilled and filled dentate flaw. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2020, 112: 102876.
[9] Huang Jie, Qin Chaozhong, Niu Yong,*(Corresponding author) Li Rui, Song Zhenlong, Wang Xingdong. A method for monitoring acoustic emissions in geological media under coupled 3-D stress and fluid flow. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2022, 211: 110227.