姓 名:牛勇
学 位:工学博士
职 称:讲 师
2021/07-至今 绍兴文理学院 讲师
国际期刊Marine Geophysical Research、Frontiers in Earth Science、Energy Science & Engineering审稿人
[1]Niu Yong, Liu Pengfei, Zhang Chengpeng, Hu Yunjin*, Wang Jinguo. Mechanical properties and dynamic multifractal characteristics of shale under anisotropic stress using AE technology. Geoenergy Science and Engineering (原期刊: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering). 2023, 226: 211748.
[2]Niu Yong, Liu Guangjian, Zhong Zhen*, et al. Numerical investigation on fracture characteristic and failure mechanism of rock-like materials with intermittent flaws under compressive-shear loading. Construction and Building Materials. 2023, 388:131698.
[3]Niu Yong, Wang Gang, Wang Jinguo, et al. Experimental study on thermal fatigue damage and failure mechanisms of basalt exposed to high-temperature treatments. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. 2023, 1-20.https://doi.org/10.1111/ffe.14052.
[4]Niu Yong, Wang Jinguo, Wang Xingkai, Hu Yunjin*, et al. Numerical study on cracking behaviors and fracture failure mechanism of flawed rock materials under uniaxial compression. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. 2023, 46(6):2096-2111.
[5]Niu Yong, Wang Jinguo, Hu Yunjin*, et al. Time-frequency domain characteristics of intact and cracked red sandstone based on acoustic emission waveforms. Geomechanics and Engineering. 2023, 34(1). https://doi.org/10.12989/gae.2023.34.1.000.
[6]Niu Yong, Hu Yunjin*, Wang Jinguo. Cracking characteristics and damage assessment of filled rocks using acoustic emission technology. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2023, 23(4):04023013.
[7]Niu Yong, Wang Jinguo, Hu Yunjin*, et al. Monitoring the Fracture Damage Evolution Process of Flawed Rocks and Its Temporal Fractal Characteristic. International Journal of Civil Engineering. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40999-023-00906-5.
[8]Niu Yong, Zhou Xiaoping*, Chen Junwei. Numerical study ondynamic cracking characteristic and mechanism ofquasi-brittle materials underimpulsive loading. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2024, 131:105356.
[8]Niu Yong,Zhou Xiaoping. Forecast of time-of-instability in rocks under complex stress conditions using spatial precursory AE response rate. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2021, 147:104908.
[10]Niu Yong,Zhou Xiaoping, Zhang Jianzhi, Qian Qihu. Experimental study on crack coalescence behavior of double unparallel fissure-contained sandstone specimens subjected to freeze-thaw cycles under uniaxial compression. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 2019, 158: 166-181.
[11]Niu Yong, Zhou Xiaoping, Zhou Lunshi. Fracture damage prediction in fissured red sandstone under uniaxial compression: acoustic emission b-value analysis. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2020, 43(1):175-190.
[12]Niu Yong,Zhou Xiaoping, Berto Filippo. Evaluation of fracture mode classification in flawed red sandstone under uniaxial compression. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2020, 107(1):102528.
[13]Niu Yong,Zhou Xiaoping. Fracture and time-varying Multifractal behaviors of single-flawed red sandstone with different wavilness angles. Journal of materials in civil engineering, 2020, 32(9):04020272.
[14]Niu Yong,Zhou Xiaoping, Berto Filippo. Temporal dominant frequency evolution characteristics during the fracture process of flawed red sandstone. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2020, 110(1):102838.
[15] Zhou Xiaoping,Niu Yong, Zhang Jianzhi, Shen Xuecheng, Zheng Yu, Berto Filippo. Experimental study on effects of freeze-thaw fatigue damage on the cracking behaviors of sandstone containing two unparallel fissures. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. 2019, 42(6):1322–1340.
[16]Zhou Xiaoping,Niu Yong, Cheng Hao, Berto Filippo. Cracking behaviors and chaotic characteristics of sandstone with unfilled and filled dentate flaw. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2020, 112: 102876.
[17]Huang Jie, Qin Chaozhong,Niu Yong,*(Corresponding author) Li Rui, Song Zhenlong, Wang Xingdong. A method for monitoring acoustic emissions in geological media under coupled 3-D stress and fluid flow. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2022, 211: 110227.